The New Normality - Rebuilding After Disaster Strikes
It is only at the time of a real incident, that the weaknesses of your DR plan are realised. Your DR plan covers the transition to a...

When Disaster Strikes, How Will Your Business Handle It?
When we think about disaster, we tend to think of the dramatic. In Australia, that’s not unreasonable – we do seem to get more than our...

How Long Can Your Business Survive Without Data?
When a CryptoLocker ransomware swept the world recently, the effect was extraordinary. A surgeon lost access to computers mid-operation,...

What my son taught me about Resilience
I think I am justifiably proud of my son. He’s a 'top of the class' boy and he attends a special class for kids who are a bit more...

A Closer Look at Risk Assessment
Just as some people are more likely than others to jump out of planes or ride fast motorcycles, so businesses have different attitudes to...

From Idea to In-Store: Making Sense of EDI
It is a momentous rite of passage in the growth of many businesses. After the hard yards bringing an idea or product to the market, the...

Five Things You Should Know Before Choosing Your IaaS Solution
Managing infrastructure can be like refereeing a children’s football game. Things change fast, you’re surrounded by clamouring voices...

IBM Taught Me - FTP Servers Are Like Cockroaches
I was privileged to be in Singapore this week attending an IBM workshop on their excellent B2B Integration portfolio - think EDI, managed...

Why Running An IT Business Is Like Driving a Formula One Car
Whether you’re big or small, international or local, selling widgets or selling ideas, you’re probably in the most exciting - and...

IBM's Hybrid Cloud Message Resonates
I just attended an IBM presentation on what they are focusing on this year, with Hybrid Cloud implementations being part of that....

IBM Just Put A Quantum Computer On The Cloud For Anyone To Use
Quantum computers, which will harness the power of atoms and molecules to perform memory and processing tasks, will enable us to perform...